Category Archives: Uncategorized

KSOFTPL Strengthening Startups of 2019
Hello there entrepreneur to be! So, there is a great startup idea on your mind, and you are all set to make it big? Having your own startup is great but it’s always advisable to be prepped up with with everything associated with it. There is not just one but so many challenges faced by […]...
F & B Business? Good News Here!
We can’t agree more with the fact that India is a land of food and Foodies!! We love to explore the food of the world with our tingling taste buds all the time. Continental, Oriental, Thai and a large variety of Indian itself! We have all types of food around us. But there’s other side […...
Tools That Bring You Closer To The Goals Of Your Organisation
Let’s talk of moving towards organisation goals. What comes to your mind first? You might have read multiple books. They all speak efficient planning, staffing, empowering employees, being an efficient leader, etc. But this is 2019 and we have learnt to talk much beyond people and planning! What A...